live in Thornhill Ontario, Canada. My two children are grown
and I love being a grandparent!
I have enjoyed writing children's picture books, middle-grade
and young adult novels, short stories and plays for over twenty
years, winning awards along the way.
love sports and the outdoors including hiking, swimming, sailing,
skiing, snow shoeing, bicycling, kayaking, sailing, aqua fit,
yoga and karate.
have kayaked in Canada's Provincial Parks in the wilderness
in places such as the interior of Algonquin, Killarney, Killbear
and Lake Superior, with loons, moose, and bears, and in the
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, with blue whales, belugas, dolphins,
minke whales and seals.
have learned to persist, to overcome adversity: asthma, a
broken ankle and knee surgery.
stories reflect my experiences and adventures.